1st International Conference on Industrial, Manufacturing, and Process Engineering
(ICIMP – 2024)
June 27-29, 2024
Regina, SK, Canada

Industrial System Engineering (ISE) program of the University of Regina is organizing its 1st International conference on Industrial, Manufacturing, and Process Engineering in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada (Hybrid) during June 27-29, 2024. The conference aims to provide a forum for academics, researchers, and practitioners to exchange ideas and recent development in the field of Industrial, Manufacturing, and Process Engineering. The conference will also foster networking, collaboration and joint efforts among the conference participants.
Multiple industrial panel discussions will be organized to advance knowledge as well as discussing emerging trends and challenges.
Authors can submit full papers or abstracts only. Authors MUST use the conference template to prepare papers and abstracts. ICIMP encourages to submit full paper. All submitted papers will be subjected to double peer-review process. Accepted paper will be published to Engineering proceedings journal that is covered by the major databases and archives including SCOPUS.
Selected papers will be published in multiple special issues of reputed, abstracted, and Scopus indexed journals, following the standard peer-review process.

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