Conference Proceeding
All registered and presented full papers in ICIMP 2024 will be published as proceedings with MDPI in their “Engineering Proceedings” journal. Engineering Proceedings is covered by the major databases and archives including SCOPUS and assign and register a digital object identifier (DOI) for each published paper. An electronic book (with ISBN number) containing all proceeding papers will be also published.
Authors need to prepare their manuscript in the exact format available in Submission Section. Failure to do so can result in the exclusion of the paper from the Engineering Proceedings. Please read the authors' instructions carefully before preparing your papers. All papers must be prepared using Microsoft Word only. For detailed instructions for authors, kindly visit the following link:
Journal Publication
Selected high quality papers which will be registered and presented in ICIMP 2024 will be published under multiple special issues of the following Scopus / SCIE / peer reviewed journals based on quality, suitability, and recommendations of the ICIMP Committee. Decisions of the respective journal’s will be the final for such selection.
Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications
Q1 ranked; SCOPUS and other major indexing; open access (no author fee)
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Impact factor: 0.858, SCOPUS and other major indexing; open access (no author fee)
Sustainable Operations and Computers
SCOPUS and other major indexing; open access (no author fee)
Open access (no author fee)